Family members – can’t live with them, can’t live without them. From the start of your life your parents nurture you and instill in you values important to them, and at the end of the day, it’s your family who cares for you the most. So it’s essential you have the best relationship possible.
But in this day and age, obesity in America is quickly rising so more and more kids are growing up unhealthy. It’s time to make a change in our diet, in our daily activity and in our home lives. Parents have the most power when it comes to teaching their kids to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Through family fitness you will build a connection that will last as you adopt the health lifestyle for years to come. Kids are the most impressionable when young and instilling the importance of health and fitness could lead them to following a healthy lifestyle for decades to come. If a son watches his father partake in daily runs, it’s likely he will imitate that behavior to emulate his father. On the other hand, the kids will not only adopt a healthy lifestyle, but also treasure fond memories of family experiences, whether it’s going on daily runs, camping and hiking over vacations, or hosting lessons on how to cook healthy, the influence you have on your kids can be immeasurable.
Here’s some advice Health Fitness Revolution came up with to inspire family fitness:
- Keep track of your goals – Odds are everyone in your family is at different levels in terms of fitness and nutrition. Perhaps one is a track star who devotes most of her time to athletic sports, while another has never played a sport in his life. Maybe one is diabetic while the other consumes water and granola bars like no one’s business. Not everyone will be on the same page. The best thing you can do is have everyone set individual goals for themselves, given their current position. Having your family at your back will hold you accountable for reaching your goals and maintaining whatever workout or diet regimen you maintain.
- Hit the gym – Finding a gym that suits your needs and getting a membership is the first step. Some gyms offer deals for family memberships to motivate you to get your whole family active, so be sure to capitalize on that. Take each other to the gym – you don’t have to do the same workouts, but knowing someone is there with you can prove reassuring.
- Cycling – Riding a bike is fun for all ages. Going on rides at the park, around the neighborhood, to run errands – all of this can be a fun activity the whole family can take part in. If you have older kids, you can take them on rigorous, enduring rides through the woods or back roads for enhanced physical activity and a unifying adrenaline rush.
- Running – There’s nothing like a good run to clear your mind. Just like with biking, you can go running through the neighborhood or at the park as a family. One of the best things about family fitness is that you can wake up in the morning and go run together. There’s no need for plans in advance since you’re in the same household. There are also plenty of fun runs and family 5ks to participate in.
- Swimming – Swimming is a fun interactive way to workout your body. You can do it recreationally or competitively. You can swim during the summer, on vacations, or even at neighborhood pools. Many families enjoy swimming as it’s a good way to promote not only athleticism, but also teaches the swimming ability – a fundamental life skill – while everyone’s having fun splashing around!
- Breakfast – Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, serving as the basis for the rest of the day as it is the first fuel in your body. You want to make sure you have a good balance of carbs, protein and fats to keep you energized throughout the day.
- Lunch – As you approach midday, you feel your body craving for some tasty sustenance. You don’t necessarily need to completely fill yourself up at this time, but be sure to eat just enough to keep you on your feet. If you’re packing your kids lunch you want to make sure you’re giving them the right amount of protein, carbs, and fruits and vegetables.
- Dinner – The last meal of the day is typically eaten with your family. This gives you a chance to have the whole family eat healthy. You don’t want to eat right before you go to bed because bad food can affect your sleep and can possibly lead to gas buildup in your digestive system. If you want to wake up refreshed the next morning, having a light dinner will be enough to keep you satisfied without weighing you down.
- Snacks – Snacking throughout the day can be just as important as meals because having snacks can keep your metabolism at peak levels and decrease portion size in your main meals. Just as is with meals, it’s imperative you snack on foods that are nutritious, like fruits, vegetables, or even nuts. Grated, it may be tough to ease vegetables as a snack into your kids’ diet, so try adding organic peanut butter or ranch dressing as a dip for flavors. Click here for various snack recipes and tips!
- Dessert – The temptation to consume dessert is an ever-present one, nagging at your sweet tooth and your taste buds as if to say there’s no harm in it. Unfortunately, there can be plenty of harm in coming dessert. Try eating some healthy desserts if you’re in the mood for baking or eat berries and other healthy but sweet foods to satiate that craving.